Welcome to Our World

Welcome to Our World

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Two Worlds Meet

As my eyes open in the morning is the first thought that pops into my head “How can I glorify God today?”, or is it something more fleeting? It’s no secret to say that the things that we spend our time worrying and turning over in our mind are the things that we hold most dear in this world.

 It seems as if especially during this holiday season we are constantly surrounded by a culture that wants us to be preoccupied with possessions. So we find ourselves torn between what we’re being told by society is important (things, money, fame, being well liked), and what we are called to by God (a life of glorifying Him through service, love, and obedience). It’s a tension we all feel that will never fill be resolved until we reach Heaven. But until then, we daily choose to whom we will listen and to what we will let preoccupy our minds. 

Let us rejoice and be glad as we spread the good tidings of God becoming a man to redeem us from tensions in our lives.

Let us remind one another of the work of our Savior after His first advent as we await His second advent.

Merry Christmas
O Come O Come Emmanuel.

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