Welcome to Our World

Welcome to Our World

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Two Worlds Meet

As my eyes open in the morning is the first thought that pops into my head “How can I glorify God today?”, or is it something more fleeting? It’s no secret to say that the things that we spend our time worrying and turning over in our mind are the things that we hold most dear in this world.

 It seems as if especially during this holiday season we are constantly surrounded by a culture that wants us to be preoccupied with possessions. So we find ourselves torn between what we’re being told by society is important (things, money, fame, being well liked), and what we are called to by God (a life of glorifying Him through service, love, and obedience). It’s a tension we all feel that will never fill be resolved until we reach Heaven. But until then, we daily choose to whom we will listen and to what we will let preoccupy our minds. 

Let us rejoice and be glad as we spread the good tidings of God becoming a man to redeem us from tensions in our lives.

Let us remind one another of the work of our Savior after His first advent as we await His second advent.

Merry Christmas
O Come O Come Emmanuel.

Thursday, October 1, 2015


written before delivery
On September 15, 2015 a short term medical team visited one of the church plants in the northern part of Kampot Province. David, a superb radiologist and ultrasonographer, responded to a request of a young pastor’s wife who was four and half months pregnant. They wanted to identify the sex of the baby. In God’s providence, the ultrasound identified an abnormal baby. Again in God’s providence a nurse on the team who works in a maternity ward gently explained to the young couple the condition of the baby. They all surrounded the couple in prayer.

Two weeks later the young pastor and his wife accompanied a couple patients to a hospital about 40 kilometers away. During the their visit an ultrasound indicated the baby not longer had a heart beat. This hospital did desire to deliver the baby that succumbed to fetal demise. 

On September 30, 2015 they made their way to Phnom Penh to a women’s hospital. After waiting several hours for the admission and intake process they began to receive treatment. Today, October 1, 2015 I made my way to the hospital. I asked the nurse the name of the medication the patient received. She stated only the doctor could tell me. Thinking this idea lack congruity I began to demand an answer. Finally one of the nurses told me it was a professional secret. If I had been more aware this scene could have been avoided since the name of the medication was on the chart at the bedside. Again in God’s providence a Khmer doctor friend ask one of the midwives to come by an explain the process to me and the family.

They give several doses of a medication to open the cervix, after which another medication will augment the uterine contractions. They give no medication for pain, believing this will interfere with the delivery process. After delivery they anticipate the mother will need a stay of 3 days.

I am in contact with a local GYN doc who has helped guide the therapy. The challenge is to gently incorporate the her suggestions without irritating the local Khmer staff as I did in the beginning.

written after delivery
As I stood at the bedside of Kunthea, shortly after her delivery a Chinese Bible student quoted from memory the 23rd Psalm in English. Knowing that God directs our path even through the shadow of death brings comfort. Kuntha stated that she thought she was going to die from the severe pain as she delivered her lifeless baby. She has literally been through the shadow of death. Pray for this lovely couple as the seek comfort from the God of our salvation. 

The baby delivered about 5PM October 1, 2015. Kunthea began receiving medication to induce labor about 24 hours prior to delivery. Samuth and Kunthea are now in a quieter room at the hospital surrounded by friends and family. An aunt spent the whole time with them with others visiting intermittently. They have had many visitors. 

I am not certain that plan are final, but Samuth mentioned he would like to have a service in the village and bury the baby after the service. Right now the baby is in cold storage at our apartment. Samuth and Kunthea want everyone to know they are grateful for the prayer and certain of everyone. The service will likely be on Saturday.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Khorn Phearoum MD invited to speak at the 12th Congress of the World Federation of Societies of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine

Mercy Medical Center successfully treated a newly diagnosed patient in severe diabetic ketoacidosis.  Prior to coming to MMC the patient spent 2 days in a local intensive care unit where the medical staff apparently did not recognized the severity of her condition.  Based upon this success, a group of missionaries invited Dr Phearoum to present the case at the large international meeting in Seoul, Korea focused on critical care.  In the course of the meeting he met the chairman of the critical care department from Mayo-Clinic Arizona.  They encouraged each other particularly when the Mayo physician offered to help find a way to further Phearoum’s training.
Dr. Phearoum has gained much during his training at MMC. Using his leadership skills with his peers they hope in the future to join together in a medical practice that benefit patients from all walks of life.  As he explores the future, pray that he and his peers will stay focused on a gospel centered medical practice.

Friday, September 4, 2015


Fourteen years have passed since a train trip from Dehra Dun to Delhi.  I had chance to speak with a young man as we traveled several hours on the train.  Here is a major portion of an email I received from him-the first time in fourteen years.  I am taken aback by this encounter.  God's Spirit is at work.

It was April of 2001 that we met while we were on Dehradun-Delhi train, and you gave me the bible to read. You wrote your email id on the Bible and asked me write to you after I had read it.

After I reached Mumbai the next day, I had kept aside that Bible hoping to go thru it at more opportune time. But then that time never came as I got busy with other things. I had changed my job and was going through a tough period of adjustment in the new job. Over period of time, as I settled down in the new job I forgot about the train trip and Bible that you gave me...

It was earlier last week, that I got a call from my mother in Dehradun that my father had taken ill and was in hospital. I rushed to Dehradun to be with him. In Dehradun my mother gave me a small bag to carry with me to hospital to keep my wallet, phone and other things in it. Once I reached hospital and was waiting in the visitors lounge, I rummaged into the bag to take out the mobile phone. I unexpectedly got this bible in my hand. I was surprised to see it as I had thought that I had lost it in Mumbai, but then it was there that evening in my hand as I waited for my father to recover in ICU. 

My father had a successful treatment & returned back home and is now recovering. That night as I sat waiting in the visitors room, for want of anything better to do, I started to read the Bible you gave me. I have so far managed just the first few pages only, but I was impressed by genealogy on the first page. If there were 42 generation between Abraham and Jesus, then taking avg span of 50 for each generation of those early days of human civilization, it must be about 2000 - 2500 years between Abraham and Jesus. 

I am now trying to read it regularly during the commute between my office and home in Mumbai. I do not find it very smooth to read, but nevertheless I am fascinated and trying to read it. Maybe if try to read it more as religious text rather than as a historical narrative, I might be able to read it more easily. Strangely enough it does not mention any dates or time reference. It is just that birth of Jesus is considered as zero AD that I am able to put a time reference to it...

You had written your email id on the first page of the book. That is how I was able get in touch with you again... I just thought I will check if your remembered... Maybe you can also give me some tips on how best to read the book. 

I thought you were medical doctors but you are indeed passionate about Christianity too.          

Pray for this young man.  I am interested to hear if you have way I may interact with him to address his questions.


Saturday, August 22, 2015


From where did the belly button (umbilicus) come?  In my childhood I contemplated much about the hole in the middle of my abdomen-stomach.  Not many people have a smooth divot free abdomen-that is no belly button.  Often we tease one another about contemplating our belly button and you taunting me concerning my desire and ability to contemplate by belly button would be valid  So as you taunt me let us together take the challenge of thinking about the meaning and origin of our belly buttons-the umbilicus. 

I know you are aware that the umbilicus (belly button) biologically has a direct connection to life for our physical bodies. Without a functional umbilical cord our lives would not have begun. In fact, in our first few months of life our umbilical cord gave us everything we needed to begin our physical journey.  Each of us was with one a cord from the placenta while living in our mother’s uterus.

What about a spiritual umbilical cord.  Does a physical umbilical connection help us begin to understand our spiritual life-possibly a spiritual umbilical cord? Do we have a spiritual umbilicus? Now you may think I have carried this analogy a little too far and I suppose you are quite correct.  This scenario is a bit self serving. First I wanted  this scenario to set up the acronym UMBILICUS.  With this acronym we can begin to think about life issues and maybe, just maybe find a spiritual umbilical cord.  So at lease at the level of playing with words there may be a connection. You will have to decide how far to carry the physical and spiritual connections.  But for now here is the acronym. 


Christ’s Community

Here are the questions I hope to address in the quest of finding a spiritual belly button.  Any response or suggestions are welcome.  

From where did I come?
Why do we live in an imperfect world?
Why am I alive?
From where come my desires?
What motivates me?
How do I live free from my sin?

So send your thoughts and ideas as we journey together in one accord.


Pray for the medical outreach during the middle of September.

Thursday, August 13, 2015


An infant crying incessantly is distressing to everyone, but it’s particularly difficult for young mothers as they gently attempt to comfort their crying children. As part of a course I help teach in Cambodia, I presented on the topic of the incessantly crying infant to young physicians. Those who have studied crying infants have concluded that infants will cry because of pain, hunger, boredom, or discomfort. Incessant crying can obviously be overwhelming for new parents, but mothers in particular very quickly learn how to comfort and understand their crying infant, often within 2 weeks after childbirth.

Now, as mature adults, we’re supposed to control our crying (but don’t we wish that we had a child’s freedom to freely express our pain, hunger, boredom, and discomfort?) But there is a place where we can feel free to bring our cries and weaknesses. When we are distressed we are invited to go to God in whatever anguish we are feeling. As we cry out to God, He will find a way to comfort our sorrow, because He, more than anyone else, understands our pain.

How to soothe a baby, realize that all babies do not respond in the same manner.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Medical Missions

Medical outreached with local personnel and short term teams have been a way of during people to the church. We are glad to be a part of this experience.
You may be interested in observing this short video about medical mission in Cambodia.
Thank you for your support in bringing health and good news to the people of Cambodia

Saturday, June 20, 2015


Yes, diopter is this a term used to describe the power of glasses expressed in a negative or positive power.  If one has difficulty reading then glasses have positive great power as those of us over 40 have experienced.  As the eye ages our natural lens become less responsive as the lens looses its elasticity making near vision difficult.  So we need a 2 or 3 diopter positive lens in order to clearly see the print.  Now depending on subject matter read. reading glasses may possess power for the soul. 
As many know the scripture inspired by God by those moved by His Spirit has power for the soul.
During a recent medical outreach in Kampong Speu province in Cambodia the glasses distribution station became a desired place for patients to congregate.  One lady tried on one pair of glasses with low diopter which helped her to see better.  As the diopter increased her ability to see also increased. Upon trying her third pair she settled on the proper diopter of the glasses that gave her a clear view of the Biblical script.  The appropriate power of the glasses once again opened the power of the scripture for her, for without the glasses she was not able to read the scripture.  She stayed at the glasses station an extended time rejoicing in her ability read and contemplate the power of God’s word. Her newly acquired glasses opened the eyes of her heart.

Saturday, May 30, 2015


Now sure exactly what it may mean to pray big, but it makes an interesting play on words when mixed the Khmer language.  Prey means forest, thom means big.  So why not pray big.  Why not pray expecting to see the hand of God work among.  I suspect many people are praying big expecting the spirit to work in Cambodia.

To further explain, Prey Thom village began four years with displaced people coming from various parts of Cambodia.  The government gave them land on which to settle.  How the people became displaced is a story for another time.  We became aware of the spirit of God working in Prey Thom about 3 years ago.  Khmer Christian Church (KCC), a small upstart church in Phnom Penh, began looking for an outreach in the province.  They were lead to Prey Thom.  The gospel pricked the heart of several people and a small church began.  Someone or many were praying big.  God worked in the hearts of the KCC leadership and in the hearts of the people in Prey Thom for the beginning of a church.

Friday, April 17, 2015


Some may say that standing out has equal meaning as outstanding.  If I were to make a grand achievement some may say I am standing out in the crowd because of my outstanding achievement.  Now if I were to go against a cultural norm I would certainly stand out, but being against a culture norm would not be outstanding.  I may feel guilt or shame and then either isolate myself or be isolated by the main stream of the cultural norm.  So with these thoughts in mind what issues, ideologue or beliefs might I be willing to risk to go against the norms or stand out from the main stream of culture?  How deep might I be willing to go to take a stand for what has become important for me? Where would I go for the strength to carry on in the face of isolation and ridicule?
As we look into history we have examples of those who found an aberrant route on which to travel.  Some received vindication, others ended their lives in shame or may have been put to death.  Wilberforce spent his life campaigning against the slave trade to the point that he died in an illness apparently brought on by exhausting work to abolish slave trade and anguish over the slave trade.  Nelson Mandela suffered many years of imprisonment, before he became the leader of South Africa.  Recently, people standing firm for their faith have been executed by religious zealots.  

Can you imagine a person whose whole life centered on knowing that he would die a shameful death in spite of being a part of a royal family.  One who gave up his life for the sake of many others.  One who even lived a perfect life, but was kill because of the pride and power of religious leaders.  Ultimately His life conquered death and took the place of the unrighteous.  This leader is one from whom we may gain strength.  This leader paid the price of death, but returned to life.  He stood out from all of mankind travel against the norms of religious zealots and the predominate world view.  He is worthy to be followed and from Him one gains strength to stand out from the main stream of culture.