Welcome to Our World

Welcome to Our World

Saturday, August 22, 2015


From where did the belly button (umbilicus) come?  In my childhood I contemplated much about the hole in the middle of my abdomen-stomach.  Not many people have a smooth divot free abdomen-that is no belly button.  Often we tease one another about contemplating our belly button and you taunting me concerning my desire and ability to contemplate by belly button would be valid  So as you taunt me let us together take the challenge of thinking about the meaning and origin of our belly buttons-the umbilicus. 

I know you are aware that the umbilicus (belly button) biologically has a direct connection to life for our physical bodies. Without a functional umbilical cord our lives would not have begun. In fact, in our first few months of life our umbilical cord gave us everything we needed to begin our physical journey.  Each of us was with one a cord from the placenta while living in our mother’s uterus.

What about a spiritual umbilical cord.  Does a physical umbilical connection help us begin to understand our spiritual life-possibly a spiritual umbilical cord? Do we have a spiritual umbilicus? Now you may think I have carried this analogy a little too far and I suppose you are quite correct.  This scenario is a bit self serving. First I wanted  this scenario to set up the acronym UMBILICUS.  With this acronym we can begin to think about life issues and maybe, just maybe find a spiritual umbilical cord.  So at lease at the level of playing with words there may be a connection. You will have to decide how far to carry the physical and spiritual connections.  But for now here is the acronym. 


Christ’s Community

Here are the questions I hope to address in the quest of finding a spiritual belly button.  Any response or suggestions are welcome.  

From where did I come?
Why do we live in an imperfect world?
Why am I alive?
From where come my desires?
What motivates me?
How do I live free from my sin?

So send your thoughts and ideas as we journey together in one accord.


Pray for the medical outreach during the middle of September.

Thursday, August 13, 2015


An infant crying incessantly is distressing to everyone, but it’s particularly difficult for young mothers as they gently attempt to comfort their crying children. As part of a course I help teach in Cambodia, I presented on the topic of the incessantly crying infant to young physicians. Those who have studied crying infants have concluded that infants will cry because of pain, hunger, boredom, or discomfort. Incessant crying can obviously be overwhelming for new parents, but mothers in particular very quickly learn how to comfort and understand their crying infant, often within 2 weeks after childbirth.

Now, as mature adults, we’re supposed to control our crying (but don’t we wish that we had a child’s freedom to freely express our pain, hunger, boredom, and discomfort?) But there is a place where we can feel free to bring our cries and weaknesses. When we are distressed we are invited to go to God in whatever anguish we are feeling. As we cry out to God, He will find a way to comfort our sorrow, because He, more than anyone else, understands our pain.

How to soothe a baby, realize that all babies do not respond in the same manner.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Medical Missions

Medical outreached with local personnel and short term teams have been a way of during people to the church. We are glad to be a part of this experience.
You may be interested in observing this short video about medical mission in Cambodia.
Thank you for your support in bringing health and good news to the people of Cambodia