Welcome to Our World

Welcome to Our World

Saturday, June 20, 2015


Yes, diopter is this a term used to describe the power of glasses expressed in a negative or positive power.  If one has difficulty reading then glasses have positive great power as those of us over 40 have experienced.  As the eye ages our natural lens become less responsive as the lens looses its elasticity making near vision difficult.  So we need a 2 or 3 diopter positive lens in order to clearly see the print.  Now depending on subject matter read. reading glasses may possess power for the soul. 
As many know the scripture inspired by God by those moved by His Spirit has power for the soul.
During a recent medical outreach in Kampong Speu province in Cambodia the glasses distribution station became a desired place for patients to congregate.  One lady tried on one pair of glasses with low diopter which helped her to see better.  As the diopter increased her ability to see also increased. Upon trying her third pair she settled on the proper diopter of the glasses that gave her a clear view of the Biblical script.  The appropriate power of the glasses once again opened the power of the scripture for her, for without the glasses she was not able to read the scripture.  She stayed at the glasses station an extended time rejoicing in her ability read and contemplate the power of God’s word. Her newly acquired glasses opened the eyes of her heart.