Welcome to Our World

Welcome to Our World

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Young Old Young

On January 3, 2012 my mother turned 88 years old.  Now depending upon ones perspective that is very old and a rather arduous milestone of which to attain.  Over the years my mother has put her age in a way such that she has grown out of being old.  When she was 20 years old she knew many old people since her definition of someone who is old is one who is 20 years old than she.  So it appears that she has become younger since she no longer knows anyone 20 years beyond her years.  So maybe she has a child’s mind in an elderly body.

The Endocrine System

If you desire to gain insight into the endocrine system watch a video of traffic in Phnom Penh  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDkhVbsSprU   http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=eVkJtJynTT4&NR=1  
These will give you a little taste but to get the full effect watch a few more.