Welcome to Our World

Welcome to Our World

Thursday, October 1, 2015


written before delivery
On September 15, 2015 a short term medical team visited one of the church plants in the northern part of Kampot Province. David, a superb radiologist and ultrasonographer, responded to a request of a young pastor’s wife who was four and half months pregnant. They wanted to identify the sex of the baby. In God’s providence, the ultrasound identified an abnormal baby. Again in God’s providence a nurse on the team who works in a maternity ward gently explained to the young couple the condition of the baby. They all surrounded the couple in prayer.

Two weeks later the young pastor and his wife accompanied a couple patients to a hospital about 40 kilometers away. During the their visit an ultrasound indicated the baby not longer had a heart beat. This hospital did desire to deliver the baby that succumbed to fetal demise. 

On September 30, 2015 they made their way to Phnom Penh to a women’s hospital. After waiting several hours for the admission and intake process they began to receive treatment. Today, October 1, 2015 I made my way to the hospital. I asked the nurse the name of the medication the patient received. She stated only the doctor could tell me. Thinking this idea lack congruity I began to demand an answer. Finally one of the nurses told me it was a professional secret. If I had been more aware this scene could have been avoided since the name of the medication was on the chart at the bedside. Again in God’s providence a Khmer doctor friend ask one of the midwives to come by an explain the process to me and the family.

They give several doses of a medication to open the cervix, after which another medication will augment the uterine contractions. They give no medication for pain, believing this will interfere with the delivery process. After delivery they anticipate the mother will need a stay of 3 days.

I am in contact with a local GYN doc who has helped guide the therapy. The challenge is to gently incorporate the her suggestions without irritating the local Khmer staff as I did in the beginning.

written after delivery
As I stood at the bedside of Kunthea, shortly after her delivery a Chinese Bible student quoted from memory the 23rd Psalm in English. Knowing that God directs our path even through the shadow of death brings comfort. Kuntha stated that she thought she was going to die from the severe pain as she delivered her lifeless baby. She has literally been through the shadow of death. Pray for this lovely couple as the seek comfort from the God of our salvation. 

The baby delivered about 5PM October 1, 2015. Kunthea began receiving medication to induce labor about 24 hours prior to delivery. Samuth and Kunthea are now in a quieter room at the hospital surrounded by friends and family. An aunt spent the whole time with them with others visiting intermittently. They have had many visitors. 

I am not certain that plan are final, but Samuth mentioned he would like to have a service in the village and bury the baby after the service. Right now the baby is in cold storage at our apartment. Samuth and Kunthea want everyone to know they are grateful for the prayer and certain of everyone. The service will likely be on Saturday.