Some may say that standing out has equal meaning as outstanding. If I were to make a grand achievement some may say I am standing out in the crowd because of my outstanding achievement. Now if I were to go against a cultural norm I would certainly stand out, but being against a culture norm would not be outstanding. I may feel guilt or shame and then either isolate myself or be isolated by the main stream of the cultural norm. So with these thoughts in mind what issues, ideologue or beliefs might I be willing to risk to go against the norms or stand out from the main stream of culture? How deep might I be willing to go to take a stand for what has become important for me? Where would I go for the strength to carry on in the face of isolation and ridicule?
As we look into history we have examples of those who found an aberrant route on which to travel. Some received vindication, others ended their lives in shame or may have been put to death. Wilberforce spent his life campaigning against the slave trade to the point that he died in an illness apparently brought on by exhausting work to abolish slave trade and anguish over the slave trade. Nelson Mandela suffered many years of imprisonment, before he became the leader of South Africa. Recently, people standing firm for their faith have been executed by religious zealots.
Can you imagine a person whose whole life centered on knowing that he would die a shameful death in spite of being a part of a royal family. One who gave up his life for the sake of many others. One who even lived a perfect life, but was kill because of the pride and power of religious leaders. Ultimately His life conquered death and took the place of the unrighteous. This leader is one from whom we may gain strength. This leader paid the price of death, but returned to life. He stood out from all of mankind travel against the norms of religious zealots and the predominate world view. He is worthy to be followed and from Him one gains strength to stand out from the main stream of culture.