When I totally get my way then I will experience ultimate satisfaction. Bill Gates, Solomon and others who have wealth and power perceivably have time energy and resources to accomplish most every desire of their heart, thus becoming very satisfied. I am not sure about Bill Gates and his level of satisfaction, but from Solomon’s writings we begin to understand that his satisfaction level decreased as he aged.
Now if Solomon’s wealth, power and multiple wives did not bring him satisfaction, far be it from me to find satisfaction.
So how does one become satisfied with dissatisfaction, when the quest for life is for me to live life my way. Yes we look to scripture which states delight in God and He will give you the desires of your heart. Realistically, my desire certainly do not match up with God desires. So I must live with my dissatisfaction. Moment to moment living hardly brings satisfied living. As I delight in my own thoughts I become more overwhelmed with my dissatisfaction. When will satisfaction come. Will it come in the next moment of life.
Life in Christ should bring satisfaction. As i read the scripture and rest in the truth of scripture I perceive small glimpse of satisfaction. When I begin to Delight in God my desire begin to fade for that moment of delight. Then my desires steal the beginning of the satisfied life delight in God.
So I must come to grips with the dissatisfaction and begin to be satisfied with that dissatisfaction as I from time to time begin to understand the work of Christ in my life. So in the middle of my dissatisfaction, I know that Christ will satisfy the longing of my heart as i allow Him. That is a journey that will have its true beginning as the gates of heaven open to my soul.